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Why You Should Use Expert Brain Injury Solicitors for Claims

Brain injuries can have a devastating effect on the life of an individual and their family, yet often they are caused through no fault of the victim. In these cases it is important to understand what options are available when looking for legal help and advice. Brain and serious head injury solicitors specialise in helping those who have suffered non-fault brain injuries seek compensation for their suffering.

MRH Solicitors are traumatic brain injury (TBI) specialists who have been dealing with brian and serious head injury cases for over 25 years. We are long-standing members of Headway, the brain injury association. Click a number below to speak with one of our head injury litigation experts on:

NorthWest England office 01204 540880

London office 0203 146 0099

With combined Solicitors’ experience in this area exceeding 100 years, MRH Solicitors are well positioned to deal with your brain injury case.

This article will explore why using a specialist TBI solicitor could be beneficial, as well as discussing various causes of non-fault brain injuries including medical negligence, how claims work and time limits involved with making a claim.

Table of Contents:

  • What is a Brain Injury Solicitor?
    • What Do They Do?
    • Why Should You Use One?
    • Types of Non-Fault Brain Injuries
    • The Claims Process for Non-Fault Brain Injuries
    • Time Limits for Making a Claim for Non-Fault Brain Injuries
    • Benefits of Using a Brain Injury Solicitor
    • What is a Brain Injury Solicitor?

      A brain injury solicitor is a legal professional who specialises in helping individuals make non-fault compensation claims for brain and head injuries. They provide expert advice and guidance on the claims process, as well as access to resources and support networks that can help victims of these types of injuries get the compensation they deserve.

      What Do These Specialist Head Injury Solicitors Do?

      Brain injury solicitors are responsible for handling all aspects of a claim from start to finish. This includes gathering evidence, negotiating settlement amounts with insurance companies or other parties involved, filing paperwork with the court system, and representing their clients in court if necessary. They also provide valuable advice throughout the entire process so that their clients understand what’s happening every step of the way.

      Why Should You Use One?

      Using a brain injury solicitor is essential when making a non-fault compensation claim for any type of brain injury, including medical negligence or accidents at work. A specialist solicitor will have extensive knowledge about how to best pursue your case and ensure you receive fair compensation for your losses due to your injury. Furthermore, they will be able to advise you on time limits related to making such claims in order to ensure you don’t miss out on any potential benefits or damages due to delays caused by not filing within certain deadlines set by law.

      These solicitors are experts in their field and can provide invaluable advice and support when making a non-fault brain injury compensation claim. Knowing the types of non-fault brain injuries is important, so let’s look at that next.

      Key Takeaway: Brain injury solicitors are experts in helping individuals make non-fault compensation claims and provide invaluable advice throughout the entire process. To find a brain injury solicitor, you should: 1. Research local law firms that specialise in this type of claim 2. Ask for recommendations from friends or family who have used such services before 3. Look online to read reviews and compare different solicitors

      Types of Non-Fault Brain Injury

      Brain injuries can be caused by a variety of non-fault incidents, and it is important to understand the different types in order to make an informed decision about whether or not to pursue a claim.

      Medical Negligence: Medical negligence occurs when medical professionals fail to provide adequate care that results in injury or death. This could include misdiagnosis, incorrect medication, surgical errors, birth injuries, and more. It is important for those considering making a claim for medical negligence to have evidence such as medical records and witness statements from other healthcare professionals who may have been involved in the incident.

      Accidents at Work: Accidents at work are one of the most common causes of brain injury claims in the UK. These accidents can range from slips and trips on wet floors or uneven surfaces, falling objects hitting someone’s head, faulty machinery causing injury due to lack of maintenance or safety protocols being ignored. In order for a successful claim it is essential that there is evidence showing that employers were negligent in their duty of care towards employees which resulted in an accident occurring.

      Road traffic accidents are another major cause of brain injuries, with many people sustaining serious head trauma after collisions with cars or motorcycles while walking across roads without using designated crossings points such as zebra crossings. If you have been injured due to another driver’s negligence, then you may be able to make a compensation claim against them if they were found liable for your injuries through police reports and witness statements.

      Understanding the different types of non-fault brain injuries is important in order to properly assess your eligibility for a compensation claim. Now, let’s take a look at the claims process for making such a claim.

      Key Takeaway: Brain injury claims can be made for medical negligence, accidents at work and road traffic accidents. To successfully make a claim, evidence such as medical records, witness statements and police reports must be provided to prove the other party was negligent in their duty of care.

      The Compensation Claims Process for Non-Fault Brain And Head Injuries

      Gathering Evidence and Documentation: When making a claim for non-fault brain injury, it is important to gather as much evidence and documentation as possible. This includes medical records, witness statements, photographs of the scene of the accident or incident that caused the head injury, police reports if applicable, and any other relevant documents. It is also important to keep track of all expenses related to your injury such as doctor’s visits or medication costs.

      Once you have gathered all necessary evidence and documentation, you can make your claim with a solicitor who specialises in non-fault brain injuries. Your solicitor will then negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf to reach an appropriate settlement amount for your case. The process may take some time, but having an experienced solicitor by your side can help ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries

      The claims process for non-fault brain injuries can be complex and daunting, but understanding the steps involved and the time limits that apply can help ensure you get the compensation you deserve. Next, we’ll look at how these time limits may affect your claim.

      Time Limits for Making a Claim for Non-Fault Brain Injuries

      When making a claim for non-fault brain injuries, it is important to be aware of the statute of limitations in the UK. Generally speaking, you must make your claim within three years from when the injury occurred or was diagnosed. However, there are some extenuating circumstances that may affect this time limit.

      For example, if you were under 18 at the time of your injury or diagnosis then you have until your 21st birthday to make a claim. If you lack mental capacity due to an acquired brain injury then there is no time limit and claims can be made at any point after diagnosis. Additionally, if someone else has been appointed as your ‘litigation friend’ (a person who can act on behalf of another) then they will need to start proceedings within three years from when they were appointed.

      It is also important to note that certain types of cases such as medical negligence have their own set deadlines which could differ from those outlined above so it is always best practice to seek legal advice as soon as possible in order to ensure that all relevant deadlines are met and that your case does not become invalidated by missing these dates.

      It is important to be aware of the statute of limitations and any extenuating circumstances that may affect it when making a non-fault brain injury compensation claim. Next, we will look at the benefits of using a specialist brain injury solicitor.

      Key Takeaway: Key takeaway: When making a claim for non-fault brain injuries, you must be aware of the UK statute of limitations which is generally three years from injury or diagnosis. There are exceptions such as if you were under 18 at the time of injury diagnosis and medical negligence cases have their own set deadlines.

      Benefits of Using Solicitors Who Are Brain Injury Experts

      Brain injury solicitors have expertise and knowledge of the law and claims processes that can be invaluable when navigating the complex process of seeking compensation. They are also able to access resources and support networks that may not be available to those without legal representation.

      Expertise and Knowledge of the Law and Claims Processes: A solicitor who specialises in brain injury cases will have an in-depth understanding of relevant laws, regulations, case precedents, medical terminology as well as insurance policies related to these types of claims. This expertise allows them to provide sound advice on how best to proceed with your claim so you get the maximum amount possible from your settlement.

      Access to Resources and Support Networks: In addition to their legal knowledge, solicitors often have access to resources such as medical experts or rehabilitation services which can help build a strong case for compensation. They also typically maintain contact with other professionals within their field who may be able offer additional assistance if needed during proceedings.

      When choosing a solicitor for your non-fault brain injury claim, it is important that they are experienced in this type of litigation so they understand all aspects involved in getting you fair compensation for any losses incurred due to your injury. It is also beneficial if they belong to professional organisations such as The Association Of Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) or The Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Accreditation Scheme (CNASS). These memberships signify their commitment towards providing quality service while adhering strictly to ethical standards set by governing bodies within their industry.

      Key Takeaway: When making a non-fault brain injury compensation claim, it is important to use a specialist legal firm at MRH Solicitors with expertise in the relevant laws and access to resources. Look for solicitors who are experienced in this type of litigation and belong to professional organisations such as APIL and The Law Society Accreditation Scheme.

      FAQs in Relation to Brain Injury Solicitors

      Why should you use brain injury specialist lawyers?

      They are experts in the legal process and understand the complexities of such cases, which can be highly complex due to the nature of head injuries. Brain injury specialists have extensive knowledge of relevant laws and regulations, as well as experience dealing with insurance companies and medical professionals. They will work closely with you to ensure that your claim is successful, helping you get the compensation you deserve for your suffering.

      How much money can you get for TBI?

      The amount of money you can receive for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) will depend on the severity and impact of your individual case. Generally, compensation is awarded to cover both financial losses and pain and suffering caused by the injury. This could include loss of earnings, medical costs, rehabilitation expenses, travel costs related to treatment or care, as well as any other associated costs. Additionally, awards may be made for non-financial losses such as physical pain and emotional distress suffered due to the TBI. The exact amount that you are entitled to will vary depending on the circumstances surrounding your case so it is important to speak with an experienced solicitor who can assess your claim in detail before making any decisions about how much money you should seek in compensation. See the Judicial College Guidelines for brain injury compensation payouts in the UK.

      How long does it take to settle a brain injury case?

      The length of time it takes to settle a brain injury case can vary greatly depending on the complexity of the claim and how quickly both parties are able to reach an agreement. Generally, most claims take between 6 months and 2 years to be resolved. However, some cases may take longer if there is a dispute over liability or if more evidence needs to be gathered in order for a settlement to be reached. It is important that you seek legal advice as soon as possible after your accident so that your solicitor can start working on your case right away.

      What is the life expectancy of someone with a traumatic brain injury?

      The life expectancy of someone with a traumatic brain injury can vary greatly depending on the severity and type of injury. Generally, milder injuries may not have any long-term effects while more severe injuries can lead to complications that could significantly reduce life expectancy. The most important factor in determining prognosis is the amount of time it takes for recovery from the initial injury. In some cases, full recovery may be possible; however, if there are lingering symptoms or disabilities due to the trauma, this could impact life expectancy as well. It is best to consult with a medical professional for an individualized assessment and treatment plan.


      In conclusion, it is important to remember that if you have suffered a non-fault brain injury, then using a specialist brain injury solicitor at MRH Solicitors can help ensure your claim is successful. MRH Solicitors are experienced in dealing with the complexities of these types of claims and will be able to guide you through the process from start to finish. It is also essential to bear in mind any time limits for making a claim so that you don’t miss out on any potential compensation. With their expertise and knowledge, MRH Solicitors can provide invaluable support throughout the entire claims process.

      If you or a loved one have suffered from a non-fault brain injury, the right solicitor can make all the difference in getting access to financial compensation. We understand how difficult it is to navigate through this process and that’s why we are here to help – providing resources, advice and information on finding solicitors specialising in brain injury claims across the UK. Don’t wait any longer – contact us now for more details on how we can support your claim!

      MRH Solicitors provide FREE initial advice and will pursue your claim on a no win no fee basis.

Why You Should Use Expert Brain Injury Solicitors for Claims
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