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Occupational Hearing Loss

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    Occupational Hearing Loss

    It is estimated that there are currently 10 million people in the UK who suffer with hearing difficulties and other hearing related conditions. Excessive work-place noise exposure is one of the most prominent causes of hearing loss in the UK.

    For decades, many industries have neglected their core workers by continuously exposing their workforce to excessive and dangerous levels of noise.

    Excessive noise exposure over a prolonged period of time can cause the following symptoms and difficulties:

    • Hearing loss
    • Hearing difficulties when there is back-ground noise
    • Difficulty conversing
    • Problems when using the telephone
    • Difficulty hearing the door-bell
    • Ringing, whistling or buzzing in the ears (a medical condition known as Tinnitus)

    The problems highlighted above may not become apparent to the sufferer until many years after leaving their noisy employment. The effects of the noise exposure gradually creep up on a person. It is often only when age related hearing loss coupled with the additional noise induced loss becomes apparent that a person may notice a significant problem with their hearing.

    Even if you left your noisy employment many years ago it is still possible to succeed with a claim for compensation for noise induced hearing loss.

    In addition to hearing loss caused by prolonged noise exposure over many years, the hearing can also be damaged by exposure to one-off explosions. This is known as Acoustic Shock. Therefore, if you have been exposed to a loud blast from an explosion and developed a hearing loss or tinnitus then you may still be entitled to claim compensation.

    Some of the common industries where there is excessive noise exposure:

    • Steel Works and Iron Foundries
    • Coal Mining Industry (both underground and on the surface)
    • Sheet Metal Works and Coach Building
    • Construction Industry
    • Textile Industry
    • Food Processing Industry
    • Power Stations
    • Agriculture

    The above list is an example of industries where noise is a common factor. However excessive noise can be found in many other workplaces.
    If you have been exposed to excessive noise in your work place and you consider you have a hearing problem, then you could be entitled to claim significant compensation from your former employers.

    You may be entitled to receive compensation for the hearing loss and tinnitus you have developed but also compensation to assist with the purchase of hearing aids and other equipment designed to assist noise deafened people. Hearing aids in the private sector are extremely expensive, but do provide the most beneficial form of assistance to noise deafened individuals.

    At MRH Solicitors, our specialist industrial disease department is best placed to advise you on your claim for noise induced hearing loss and to ensure that you are properly compensated.

    During the last 12 months, the team at MRH Solicitors has successfully recovered in excess of half a million pounds for their clients who have been noise deafened.

    Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you
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