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Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

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    Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

    Repetitive Strain Injuries and Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (“RSI”) are injuries where the pain from muscles, nerves and tendons is caused by repetitive movements and overuse, usually to the upper limbs.

    There are a number of different medical conditions which may be forms of RSI including:

      • Carpal tunnel syndrome
      • Epicondylitis (“golfers elbow” or “tennis elbow”)


    • De Quervain’s syndrome/De Quervain’s tenosynovitis/Tenovaginitis
    • Stenosing tenosynovitis (“trigger finger”)

    However, these conditions are common in the general population even in those who do not do repetitive work. If work has not caused the medical condition, an inappropriate working environment may make the condition worse or advance it’s progress. In such cases it is possible to claim compensation.

    There is an increased risk of RSI if the work is done:

    • Repetitively – particularly if the repetitive work is undertaken at speed
    • Adopting an awkward posture
    • Using force or undertaking heavy lifting
    • Without adequate breaks

    RSI’s can occur throughout different industries. At MRH Solicitors we have Solicitors who have experience of handling a wide range of RSI claims including claims relating to:

    • The Motor Industry – we have Solicitors who have successfully conducted hundreds of claims against GM and
    • Vauxhall Motors and some of their suppliers.
    • Food processing
    • Packing orders for catalogue companies
    • Animal slaughter

    It is notoriously difficult to bring a claim for RSI and therefore to increase the prospects of success it is important to instruct a specialist Solicitor who has the skill, experience and expertise to deal with your claim.

    If you think you have suffered RSI due to the nature of your employment then please contact the MRH Solicitors industrial disease team on 01204 535 333 or fill out our online form

    Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you
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