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Chronic Pain Syndromes

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Chronic Pain Syndromes

Many people that suffer from chronic pain conditions develop such problems through factors that are not contributed to by the negligence of another, such as through genetics.

However, many others suffer serious chronic pain conditions independent from or in conjunction with other physical injuries due to the negligence of another party.

If a person suffers from a serious chronic pain condition, the effects can have a devastating impact on their life. They may lose the ability to complete simple tasks around the home, continue employment or, in many circumstances, lead an independent life. These potentially extreme changes in a person’s capability due to their condition mean it can be a challenging time for them and their loved ones, both financially and emotionally.

MRH Solicitors chronic pain claims

Chronic pain syndromes may emerge after the body suffers trauma, whether mild or serious, as a result of the negligence of another party which causes an accident.


Fibromyalgia is a type of chronic pain syndrome that causes diverse symptoms to affect different areas of the body, including:

  • Headaches
  • Swelling
  • Bodily fatigue
  • Tiredness
  • Poor quality of sleep
  • Chronic muscular pain
  • Jaw dysfunction
  • Functional impotence
  • Restless legs
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Anxiety/panic attacks

There are two types of Fibromyalgia depending on how it arises:

  • Primary Fibromyalgia (this develops spontaneously)
  • Post-traumatic Fibromyalgia (develops after trauma)

Although Fibromyalgia may arise through no fault of another party, it may develop when a person suffers physical trauma due to another party’s negligence, subsequent to which they develop Fibromyalgia.

If the condition is not an immediate result of the fault of another, it may still be attributed to that fault if the development of the disorder can be traced directly back to the negligence and the effects of it.

Our expert serious injury solicitors understand how important treatment, rehabilitation and therapy are in aiding chronic pain syndromes such as Fibromyalgia.

They also recognise the need for emotional support for an injured person and their family in order to ensure that the challenging recovery process is confronted with full effort and without the need for the family to sacrifice other aspects of their life, such as education and employment.

Our specialist solicitors’ experience of serious injury compensation claims is invaluable in order that they may obtain on your behalf the compensation that you and your loved ones need to begin the rebuilding process after your injuries, beginning with tailored treatment, rehabilitation and therapy.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

This is a chronic pain disorder that is typically limited to certain regions of the body, most often the limbs.

CRPS’s symptoms include:

  • A deep and painful burning sensation
  • Muscle wasting
  • Changes in skin colour
  • Sensitive skin
  • Changes in temperature
  • Swelling
  • Inability to move or touch affected area without severe pain
  • Unusual growth of the hair and nails

CRPS usually arises after substantial trauma to a limb in an amputation, crush injury or fracture, but it can also arise after traumas such as infections, surgery and even mildly sprained ankles. It is also likely that emotional stress plays a large part in its occurrence.

Although CRPS may arise through no fault of another party, it may develop when a person suffers physical trauma due to another party’s negligence, subsequent to which they develop CRPS.

If the condition is not an immediate result of the fault of another, it may still be attributed to that fault if the development of the disorder can be traced directly back to the negligence and the effects of it.

Our expert serious injury solicitors understand how important treatment, rehabilitation and therapy are in aiding chronic pain syndromes such as CRPS.

They also recognise the need for emotional support for an injured person and their family in order to ensure that the challenging recovery process is confronted with full effort and without the need for the family to sacrifice other aspects of their life, such as education and employment.

ur specialist solicitors’ experience of serious injury compensation claims is invaluable in order that they may obtain on your behalf the compensation that you and your loved ones need to begin the rebuilding process after your injuries, beginning with tailored treatment, rehabilitation and therapy.

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Trigeminal Neuralgia affects the Trigeminal nerve, which carries electrical signals from your face to your brain. This means that Trigeminal Neuralgia can cause the gentlest of stimulations of the face extremely painful, such as yawning.

Symptoms include:

  • Pain that is generally concentrated in the jaw, cheeks, teeth, gums, lips and chin
  • Intermittent feelings of mild pain, interspersed with episodes of severe pain that feels like an electric shock
  • Episodes of pain lasting from anywhere between a few seconds to several months with similar periods of no pain at all
  • Episodes of pain triggered from stimulation of the face, such as through chewing
  • Episodes of pain become more frequent, longer and intense as time goes on

The condition is typically caused by pressure on the Trigeminal nerve because of contact between an artery or a vein and the nerve at the base of your brain, causing its functionality to be compromised.

Although Trigeminal Neuralgia may arise through no fault of another party, it may develop when a person suffers physical trauma due to another party’s negligence, subsequent to which they develop Trigeminal Neuralgia.

If the condition is not an immediate result of the fault of another, it may still be attributed to that fault if the development of the disorder can be traced directly back to the negligence and the effects of it.

Our expert serious injury solicitors understand how important treatment, rehabilitation and therapy are in aiding chronic pain syndromes such as Trigeminal Neuralgia.

They also recognise the need for emotional support for an injured person and their family in order to ensure that the challenging recovery process is confronted with full effort and without the need for the family to sacrifice other aspects of their life, such as education and employment.

Our specialist solicitors’ experience of serious injury compensation claims is invaluable in order that they may obtain on your behalf the compensation that you and your loved ones need to begin the rebuilding process after your injuries, beginning with tailored treatment, rehabilitation and therapy.

Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS)

This is a chronic pain condition affecting the muscles. Pressure on sensitive points in the muscles, named trigger points, cause pain in unconnected parts of the body, named referred pain.

Symptoms of MPS include:

  • Pain that persists or worsens
  • Deep, aching muscle pain
  • Difficulty moving the affected area of the body
  • Sensitive knots in muscles
  • Insomnia due to the pain

The pain level contrasts from patient to patient. Some merely feel discomfort while others feel intolerable pain.

MPS typically emerges after an individual muscle or a group of muscles have been contracted repeatedly. This may be caused by repetitive movements in the workplace or by muscle tension related to stress.

Although MPS may arise through no fault of another party, it may develop when a person suffers physical trauma due to another party’s negligence, subsequent to which they develop MPS.

If the condition is not an immediate result of the fault of another, it may still be attributed to that fault if the development of the disorder can be traced directly back to the negligence and the effects of it.

Our expert serious injury solicitors understand how important treatment, rehabilitation and therapy are in aiding chronic pain syndromes such as MPS.
They also recognise the need for emotional support for an injured person and their family in order to ensure that the challenging recovery process is confronted with full effort and without the need for the family to sacrifice other aspects of their life, such as education and employment.

Our specialist solicitors’ experience of serious injury compensation claims is invaluable in order that they may obtain on your behalf the compensation that you and your loved ones need to begin the rebuilding process after your injuries, beginning with tailored treatment, rehabilitation and therapy.

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help you
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