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Mr. A

Pedestrian Accident Claim

The specialist road traffic accident team at MRH Solicitors acted for Mr. A following an accident in which he was a pedestrian crossing a road when he was knocked down by a car being driven by the negligent Defendant driver, thereby sustaining a dislocated left shoulder, a closed head injury and various other soft-tissue injuries.

MRH Solicitors were instructed by Mr. A who had transferred his file from another firm of solicitors with whom he was not satisfied. However, there was only 1 month left prior to the expiry of the 3 year limitation period by which court proceedings needed to be issued failing which his claim would be statute barred and out of time.

The specialist road traffic accident team at MRH Solicitors arranged for court proceedings to be issued to protect Mr. A’s position on the limitation period and thereafter undertook investigations on liability and quantum to value the personal injury claim.

MRH Solicitors were successful at court in proving that liability rested with the Defendant driver and recovered £18,000 in compensation for Mr. A for his injury claim, his loss of earnings, the disadvantage on the open labour market due to his injuries, for the care and assistance he received from his family and for the future costs of treatment.

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