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Mr. S

In 2014, Mr S was involved in a road traffic accident as a result of which he suffered multiple serious injuries, including to his brachial plexus nerves, which ultimately resulted in an above elbow amputation of his left arm. Other injuries sustained included fractures to his back, neck, ribs and left elbow and left clavicle as well as soft tissue injuries. Mr S underwent numerous surgical operations and extensive treatment to help facilitate his recovery.

Mr S instructed Sharon Long, an experienced solicitor in the Serious Injury team at MRH Solicitors to act on his behalf to recover compensation for his injuries and loss.

Mr S’s claim in respect of his injuries was long and complex and amongst other elements of his claim, included a claim for a state of the art prosthetic limb. Over the course of 5 years the Defendant’s representatives attempted to settle the claim, but on the advice from Sharon Long of MRH Solicitors Mr S rejected multiple offers and progressed his claim through the court, fully supported by MRH Solicitors. During the lifetime of the case MRH Solicitors secured numerous interim payments to assist Mr S financially.

Through the experience and persistence of Sharon Long and MRH Solicitors, they were able to recover a substantial seven figure sum by way of compensation to give Mr S the best possible future despite the significant nature of the injuries sustained.

“Mr S said of MRH Solicitors that they were, “…so supportive all the way through my case…and gave me the best possible advice”.

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