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Were you a Client of SSB Law Solicitors?

SSB Law Sheffield Solicitors

SSB Law and the SSB Group Ltd entered Administration on 4th January 2024.

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) will now appoint its panel Solicitors, as their agent to act on their behalf and they will take possession of all client files and documents.

However, you now have the option to instruct another Solicitor of your choice to deal with your Claim. MRH Solicitors are based in London and Bolton and we are Experts in helping our clients recover damages for claims involving Industrial Disease, Medical Negligence, Personal Injury, Road Traffic Accidents, and Work Related Accidents. We have been established for over 20 years and are very experienced in making sure our clients receive the compensation they are entitled to. You can also have the reassurance that we can act for you on a No Win No Fee Basis

As a client of SSB Law Solicitors, you will be concerned about your claim. We can help you and give you the advice you need to make sure that your claim is handled in a professional manner.

If you are worried that you may have lost your current case that SSB Law Solicitors were running, or if you think that the Time Limit for making your claim may have passed; Or even if you believe court orders have not been met because of the disruption, please get in touch with us by using the Enquiry Form on this page and we will contact you straight away to discuss your concerns.

MRH Solicitors are here to ensure that you receive your claim compensation, and you can visit our website  to put your mind at ease that you are dealing with an established firm of solicitors that will help you every step of the way.

Understanding the SSB Law Sheffield Collapse and Its Impact on Clients

The recent SSB Law Sheffield Collapse has created a big upset. It affects many, including those who trusted it with their legal cases. The firm owes over £200 million to various lenders1. This huge debt has led to a complicated administration process1.

Many clients, looking to settle cavity wall insulation claims, find themselves in a tough spot. The promise of no liability has turned into a financial nightmare12. The failed claims of SSB Law could cost more than the average income in Yorkshire and Humber1. This situation makes us question the legal safeguards and the risks clients face when a law firm goes bankrupt.

Background of SSB Law’s Expansion and Financial Struggles

SSB Law’s story is about quick growth and a sharp downturn. The firm’s major SSB Law Expansion with the Pure Group Acquisition brought both success and challenges. They took on many cavity wall insulation cases and mortgage mis-selling claims. Yet, as their workload increased, so did their Financial Struggles. Managing almost 200 employees3 signalled tough times ahead.

The Acquisition of Pure Group Cases

SSB Law took on Pure Group’s cases and their financial woes. This meant more claims but also more debt. This is a common problem where firms try to grow but must stay solvent4.

Financial Figures: Understanding The Debt

The firm’s annual reports showed a jump in debts. Many clients faced high legal fees despite promises of no-win-no-fee arrangements. Some had bills up to £40,000, showing the heavy burden on individuals3.

Internal Conflicts and Payment Issues with Expert Witnesses

Money trouble wasn’t their only problem. Internal Conflicts arose too. Hiring green graduates3 led to more issues, including arguments over paying expert witnesses. These problems show the challenges of pre-pack administration in the UK, where there’s pressure to treat all creditors fairly and to get as much money back as possible amidst worries about asset valuation and openness4.

SSB Law’s tale, though special, matches common corporate insolvency stories. It shows the tightrope walk between rapid expansion and maintaining stability, plus the people affected when things go wrong. MPs have asked the government to help with the company’s client debts3, pointing out the wider impact of such failures. This highlights the need for strong policies to help manage the aftermath4.

The Sudden Administration Announcement of SSB Law

The sudden closure of SSB Law left many in shock, dealing with confusing legal issues and financial concerns. FRP Advisory came in with their financial expertise, offering a ray of hope for a structured solution.

The Role of FRP Advisory in the Administration Process

FRP Advisory took charge to sort out the firm’s assets and stabilize its operations. They aimed to lessen the financial impact and treat everyone fairly. Their efforts were crucial for the unsecured creditors. Sadly, these creditors are set to get only a tiny fraction of what they were owed5.

Solicitors Regulation Authority’s Oversight in the Transition

The Solicitors Regulation Authority played a key role in overseeing the transition. They made sure professional standards stayed high. They ensured that client legal issues were handled properly, despite the huge case load Fry Law had since 20176.

Communication with Clients Post-Collapse

Clients felt lost after the collapse, but solicitors stepped up to help. They helped with indemnity claims and tried to reduce court costs. For example, Sharon Lord faced a huge £17,000 bill7. Their efforts showed the legal community’s commitment to their clients in tough times.

SSB Law’s Operational Challenges and Region-Specific Impact

SSB Law faced increasing operational issues, largely due to a problematic Caseload and Operational Costs Mismatch. This led to a financial crisis that caused the firm to fold2. With an overwhelming 42,708 files to manage, the infrastructure at the Sheffield-based firm could not cope. It was supported by around 220 staff members but still, the volume of cavity wall insulation claims was too much2. This issue reflected not just operational problems but also the tough economic situations the firm faced. At the time it went under, it owed more than £200 million2.

The gap between the high number of cases and the firm’s handling capacity created a dangerous situation2. When SSB Law collapsed, leaving debts of £48 million, it highlighted severe operational and financial issues. This hurt the trust of their clients deeply7. Many of these clients were looking for compensation for poorly installed cavity wall insulation. They now faced legal bills of more than £35,000 on average. This placed an unexpected financial load on them7.

The Effect on West Yorkshire and Lancashire Communities

The end of SSB Law hit West Yorkshire and Lancashire hard. These areas had many of the firm’s clients. About 1,500 people were caught up in the cavity wall insulation mess, damaging the community’s economic well-being. They now faced huge court costs7. People like Sharon Lord were faced with the frightening likelihood of having to pay £17,000 in court fees. This shows the deep Impact on West Yorkshire and Lancashire due to the firm’s failure7. These communities are now threatened with financial disaster. It highlights how significant SSB Law’s operational failures were7.

Former Clients Face Legal and Financial Aftermath

After SSB’s collapse, a harsh reality emerged for its former clients. They are now faced with Legal and Financial Aftermath caused by the firm’s failure. many are struggling with unexpected demands for thousands of pounds. This is especially true in the North of England, where Failed Compensation Claims have led to significant financial stress8.

The Human Toll of Failed Compensation Claims

About 1,400 claimants are facing unexpected costs, turning their concern into a real crisis. This situation underscores not just numbers but a significant human dilemma. Anxiety over unwarranted debts has become a stark reality for them8. Lives have been disrupted by legal challenges and demands from defendant lawyers chasing costs they claim have been wasted8.

Support Groups and Community Responses to the Crisis

Support Groups have emerged as pillars of support during these tough times. They offer advice and collective strength to those affected by SSB’s fall. Thanks to these groups, there’s a glimmer of hope for the victims as they deal with their overwhelming debts, surpassing SSB’s own £200m liabilities8.

Intervention Calls and Parliamentary Discussions

Intervention Calls are being heard in the higher echelons, prompting parliamentary attention. This issue highlights the desperate need for a closer look at how the law works. Discussions are focusing on protecting clients from further damage, especially in their dealings with litigation funders and claim management companies8.

The fallout of the firm’s failure has led to over 220 job losses. This raises a critical query about how to protect people from a legal system that lets them down when they need it most8.

SSB Law’s Professional Negligence Claims and ATE Insurance Issues

The downfall of SSB Law has led to a surge in professional negligence claims. Around 1,400 clients, who had cavity wall insulation claims with the Sheffield firm, now face tough challenges due to its collapse2. These claims highlight the firm’s large case volume before failing—close to 43,0001. Clients could now owe about £35,000 to the other side91.

Navigating Through ATE Insurance Repudiation

SSB Law’s ex-clients are now chased for large sums because their After-the-event (ATE) insurance has failed them1. This situation reflects the plight of many from Pure Legal, who faced cavity wall claims unprotected by ATE insurance9.

Potential Volume of Professional Negligence Claims

The fallout from SSB Law’s collapse has created a mess in many cases. Over 75 former clients have sought help from Hugh James, hinting at a rising wave of litigation9. People feel tricked, regardless of their claim’s outcome in court9.

Comparisons to Pure Legal’s Precedent

The fall of SSB Law closely resembles Pure Legal’s earlier failure, raising urgent concerns. The issues with ATE insurance highlight deep problems in professional negligence claims9. Clients of both firms faced tough times, calling for better safeguards and scrutiny across the industry9.

Securing Legal Support and Assurance for SSB Law’s Ex-Clients

The collapse of SSB Law has sent shockwaves through the legal community. It left thousands struggling with the aftermath, highlighting the need for legal support for former clients. About 1,400 clients are now dealing with cavity wall insulation claims and the stress of possibly losing their homes2. SSB Law’s fall has resulted in over £200 million owed and around 200 staff jobless13.

Some ex-clients of SSB Law face legal bills up to £40,000. This is far from the no-win-no-fee deals they expected3. In areas like West Yorkshire and Lancashire, legal costs are often higher than average salaries, putting huge financial pressure on those impacted1. Despite promised After the Event (ATE) insurance, unexpected legal bills are a worry for many1.

It’s vital to protect the rights of SSB Law’s clients amid this chaos. As the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) investigates, there’s still hope for justice3. Changes in regulatory policies are needed to avoid similar disasters and ensure clients’ concerns are taken seriously.

Source Links

  1. https://www.yorkshirelegalnews.co.uk/ssb-law-what-we-know-so-far-about-the-fallout/
  2. https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/government-urged-to-cancel-legal-debts-of-ssb-clients/5118760.article
  3. https://www.sheffieldtribune.co.uk/p/by-the-end-it-was-just-blind-panic
  4. https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Administration_(law)
  5. https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/firm-floored-by-238-hike-in-indemnity-insurance-bill/5119296.article
  6. https://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/high-profile-disability-law-firm-forced-into-administration/
  7. https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/yorkshire-firm-ssb-law-48m-28599454
  8. https://www.lawgazette.co.uk/news/sra-investigating-why-ssb-clients-are-facing-huge-legal-bills/5119004.article
  9. https://www.legalfutures.co.uk/latest-news/collapsed-ssb-faces-up-to-1400-negligence-claims

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